I strongly suggest you to play in this mod with a steering wheel, to have an even more addictive experience!

I made changes to the traction, braking, suspensions, the weight of each vehicle including bicycles! I also removed that annoying false effect of turbulence in all planes and helicopters. Revised also the damage, now much more evident. You can feel the weight of the car when cornering, the braking times are much longer (with the possibility to lock the tires), lower and realistic grip, and finally is possible the drifting!

Initially I created this mod for personal use only, but subsequently I decided to publish it and share it with other people who like me prefer a more simulative game.Įvery car now has its own characteristics that make it unique. *Identifying Monetised Links - outgoing links that we monetise are marked with an '*' symbol.This mod makes much more realistic the driving physics and damage to all vehicles in the game, including motorcycles, bikes and planes. You can see further insight into how the graphics compare between these two games in this article with another video as well. While Watch Dogs isn’t the GTA V game we wanted on PS4/XB1, we welcome the new open world game to our games collection and it’s certainly needed for PS4 and Xbox One owners. How do you think Watch Dogs and GTA V compare for car driving and damage? Take a look at the videos below and let us know what you think about both games. Personally, we love Watch Dogs but the PS4/Xbox One graphics and gameplay could be seen as last generation when getting a first impression. The cars and graphics look great in Watch Dogs, but not that great when you considering we had the PS3 version of GTA V next to the PS4 version of Watch Dogs while getting hands-on this week. We’ve had hands-on time with both games and while we do love Watch Dogs for the way it introduces us to hacking in a GTA-style open world, when it comes to the way driving feels in GTA V it’s miles better than Watch Dogs. We’d have to admit the video quality of the second video below is not great, but it gives you an idea of how Watch Dogs and GTA V compare for driving. Watch_Dogs in a driving comparison and this is exactly what we have in the second video. To understand how good GTA V really is, you’ll need to watch a video showcasing GTA V vs. The graphics and gameplay improved a lot in GTA IV and this shows when compared to Watch Dogs, even if the new open world game is on PS4 and Xbox One as well. This is exactly the reason you will see videos comparing Watch Dogs to GTA IV for car damage like you can see in the first video below this article. Watch Dogs videos since the latter game released this week and while we had high expectations for Watch Dogs, it was never going to beat GTA V for many factors considering the improvements Rockstar made to their franchise over many versions. We’ve seen some really interesting Grand Theft Auto V vs.